Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

Paul-Emil and the French Panther

During the warmer months, when you can't throw a rock and not hit someone with a visible tattoo, I tend to get much more selective when finding people to interview. I'll hang out across from Federal Hall on Wall Street and wait for a cool tattoo to show up.

Generally, if I can't "read" a tattoo from a distance, I won't bother. But a few weeks back, I saw a guy with a tattoo on the back of his calf and, from a distance, I couldn't tell what it was. Up close, however, it was spectacular, and ultimately I am glad that curiosity got the better of me and I approached the group of French tourists.

Paul-Emil is the owner of this tattoo:

Paul-Emil credited this to an artist named Fusay at Addiction Tattoo in Strasbourg, France.

"The first time I saw the pic on the web," he told me, "I saw it was leopard ... some of my friends see a tiger, he [his friend Antoine] sees a panther."

We'll see Antoine's tattoo tomorrow.

Regardless of what one sees, it's a pretty cool tattoo.

Thanks to Paul-Emil for sharing his awesome tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

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