Sabtu, 26 April 2014

The Tattooed Poets Project: K.R. Copeland

Our next tattooed poet is K.R. Copeland:

She tells us,
"I currently have seven tattoos. The two that best represent me, as a human, spiritual being, would be the Om on my left deltoid and the cross on my right (with the word, “Unity” scrolled above.). In my journey through life I have studied and embraced aspects of both Eastern (Hinduism) and Western (Christianity) philosophies. I was baptized a Lutheran, and the word Unity is the literal translation for yoga, of which, I am a regular practitioner."
She credited the work to Bob Garrity, owner and artist at InknUm, Calumet City, Illinois.

She offered up the following poem, in which she "bed[s] down a Hindu deity on the Taj Mahal lawn." She adds that the audio version ( kicks butt


Your fingers, weapon-free
read my body

like a brand new Braille Rigveda.
Page by page, you make me

come alive! I am your story,
you’re my sighs.

We halcyon upon
   the Taj Mahal lawn –

my-om-I-om-mys .

~ ~ ~

K.R. Copeland is a widely published Chicagoland poet preparing to transplant herself in NYC, where some of her poetry will be included in the off-off-Broadway theatrical production Isolated Incidents, adapted from the book by the same name by Kevin L. Thomas. And, no, street vendors, she does NOT want to buy a watch.

Her book 2057 is here.

Thanks to Ms. Copeland for sharing her tattoos and poetry with us here on the Tattooed Poets Project!

This entry is ©2014 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission.

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