Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

A Brief Glimpse at Megan's Bluebells on Fifth Avenue

I know that this looks like I took this photo surreptitiously, but trust me, I had the woman's permission.

I spotted Megan on Fifth Avenue, near the Mid-Manhattan Library, last month. Unlike many of the people I interview, she was not interested in stopping to talk to me, but did share, as long as I walked with her. The photo was snapped when we waited for the light to change.

She got the tattoo somewhere in the East Village, she said, and explained a bit about the tattoo:
"I collect agricultural books, like pieces from old books from the 1800s, early 19th century, and the bluebell is my favorite flower and I came across a few that were bluebell dissections ... it's taken from that."
Thanks to Megan for sharing her favorite flower with us here on Tattoosday!

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